Green Hills Entertainment
Fine Art Photography * Custom Leather Work
Steampunk Jewelry * Pop Fine Art * Voice over
A Family owned company:
“Welcome Home”
Green Hills Entertainment is about family. Everyone contributes to the wellness of the whole and we are all equal. GHE is meant to entertain through a wide variety of mediums that showcase the talents of everyone involved.
We strive to create a wide range of products that really captivate our fans. While it may look like we are all over the map with what we present, the reality is it all follows a single theme: Creativity. On the one hand, we create art in various forms, but we also create happiness within our fans.
We appreciate you stopping by to explore everything. This is a labor of love and is still continually evolving.
Please bare with us as adjust and update the new website.
Check out the “About” section to see some of the various projects we have worked on.
Make sure to click on the social media at the bottom and the “Shop” to help support us and keep this going!
NEWS and updates
News and Updates
News and Updates 〰️
OMG! Talk about a leap of faith into the unknown!! I have officially activated the “Voice Over” page here and have taken taken my first step into the unknown. To say I’m nervous is definitely an understatement. But, as the old saying goes; “Nothing ventured, Nothing gained”. We will see what the new year brings. Fingers Crossed!!
The next task is that I need to update the Press page with the new certificates. 2023 was a successful competition year for me and the bar is set high for 2024 and beyond. With that in mind, my oldest and I are heading to Iceland next December with photography as the main goal.
First and foremost, a very warm and happy holiday wish to everyone. This is my favorite time of year. Cold, dark night and brisk days really waken the senses. Celebrations that harken back to a time long gone. Our family enjoys nods to the old traditions, the true origins of this time of year…. and all are welcome!
I updated the Press page with the certificates from the PX3 competition….. The black and white male lion won Gold and a 3 image set of icebergs from Antarctica took an honorable mention!
Finally, I am currently planning a photographic trip for my son and I to Iceland in Dec. of 2024. Can’t wait!
Well, this has been a busy year at the day job. As such, not too many updates here on the website.
I was finally able to get out and shoot a little. Definately rusty. I have finalized the video set up and am really excited to get out this summer and use it.
The big addition to our site is a TeePublic page! I have a number of images from our “Good Mood Food” line, up and ready. I am also looking into Print on Demand sites for the photography. There are so many options that it quite overwhelming. More on that as I figure it out.
One last little bit; I entered 6 or so photography competitions this Spring. I was unsuccessful in one, waiting on several more, made it to round 2 of the San Diego Faire International Photography Show, and took an Honorable Mention at the National Wildlife Federation’s International Competition! Super excited about that.
Finally, I have been casually working on film and podcast stuff. I have been helping out various filmmakers with projects as a producer, I’m and executive producer on a couple of award winning podcasts, and took a stab at voice acting! Who would have ever guessed!?!
Well, that is about it for now. Remember to follow us on social media and check out the new stuff via the Shop !!!!!
Well, it is back to work at the day job for this guy. The pandemic put a bit of a hamper on the photography only because I let it. Completely my fault. oh well.
I have been using, and loving, my first 3d printer. A rather big learning curve, but worth it. I have been making props for action figure photography. Super excited to get back to that. I also purchased slider and fluid head to begin learning cinematography! The hope is to do a little wildlife filming.
I am also still doing the leather work. Had a few commissions over the pandemic and am making a bunch of things for the Shop.
Of course, Instagram is still alive and kicking. Make sure you follow us!
It is Holiday Season! The days are getting shorter, the nights a bit longer, and the weather colder. It is my favorite time of the year. With that in mind, I have uploaded new stuff to Etsy including new holiday ornaments!! I am so excited about these. I made several for our tree this year and several people commented on them. (no, we haven’t put up a tree yet. they just saw pictures) so, I figured I would make a bunch. I love how they are turning out. I am super inspired Click here to see the new stuff!
Of course, Instagram is still alive and kicking. Make sure you follow us!
This pandemic has been tough to say the least. GHE has seen a benefit from being at home and spending time tending to it. To that end, I wanted to share with you all one of the Social Media sites I’ve been using, but keeping quiet. It is called “EyeEM” and is based in Europe. This is the site that opened up Getty Images to me. Check out my site here! Of course, Instagram is still just a vital as it has always been.
Yikes. Con is done. It was a very surreal feeling knowing that things were going on, but we were not in the convention centre. Normally we are going full tilt with face to face sales. The products we sell are stunning in person, but lose something online. Sales weren’t where we normally are. But…….. I understand this going in and used it as motivation to learn and launch the e-commerce site; meaning Etsy! Things are moving slowly, but at least they are moving!!!
Holy cow! it is Comic Con!!! Wow, what a year leading into this week. First off, our booth location changed. Had we been in the convention centre, we would be located in Hall G, booth #5005. It means a new location, a new neighborhood, and new people! I am cautiously optimistic about the booth change. Next, ComicCon@Home…. what a whirlwind that has been. So, we are going to make the most of this situation and officially launch the leather work on Etsy! In the coming month, we will also launch the fan favorite of Steampunk Jewelry!! It will be a lot of work on back end, but I am excited about this.
What a Spring. We are in unprecedented times. With a Pandemic, civil unrest, and a country divided, everyone has face struggles and uncertain times. The family and I have been at home since March trying to adapt a new norm. It has allowed for more time to create. Join us on Instagram to see all the new work!
Don’t forget that we are also on Etsy! Currently, we have digital downloads of photos, but we are spending time working out back end stuff to begin posting Leather goods.
From all of us here at GHE, stay safe and you matter.
One of the Adverts! Photo credit to Wanderings In Wonderland
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Etsy Shop:
We have partnered with Etsy to host our shop. Click now to find out more!